Legal declaration
All the data shown on the website ( are proprietary to the copyright owner and no authorization is given here.
Data shown on the website can be used only as information for non-business or non-personal purposes and may not be duplicated or published on any networking computer or transmitted on any media.
Unless otherwise approved by the copyright owner, nobody is allowed to use in whatever ways (including but not limited to: duplicate, transmit, represent, mirror, upload or download), or will be looked into legal responsibilities by the copyright owner.
The copyright owner reserves the right to change contents shown on the website from time to time without giving earlier notice. The copyright doesn’t guarantee or represent that the data shown on the website is correct, complete or updated.
All the pictures (including but not limited to illustrations, perspectives, and design drawings, etc.), models, and text descriptions shown on the website can be used as references only but not the commitment or offer of the developer.
Statement of the Developer
Introduction shown on the website for development items shall be subject to final approvals of the government and the relationship between the buyer and the seller of the commercial houses is subject to the sales contract signed between both parties.